march-april-2014 - page 34

Wisconsin Community Banker
March/April 2014
FBFC Committed to Giving Back
First Bank Financial Centre
(FBFC) gives back to the communi-
ties it serves through both volunteer
time and financial support. The bank
provides employees the time and
resources to put their talents to use for
the betterment of FBFC communities,
said Renee Solveson, corporate mar-
keting representative. An impressive
100 percent of the management team
and 81 percent of employees volunteer
with more than 300 organizations.
FBFC also maintains a Charitable
Giving program to support non-
profit organizations that improve the
overall quality of life throughout the
bank’s service areas. Over the last
10 years, FBFC has given more than
$1.5 million to local non-profit and
civic groups. In 2013 alone, the bank
donated nearly $250,000 to local orga-
nizations. FBFC also sponsors events
that enhance the vitality of its neigh-
borhoods, celebrate its communities’
successes, and address local needs.
“Investment requests are granted
based on the non-profit organiza-
tion’s ability to meet FBFC’s charitable
giving criteria, as well as availability
of charitable funds,” Solveson said.
“There are countless deserving chari-
table organizations in all of our com-
munities, and our Charitable Giving
program makes every effort to assist as
many qualifying non-profit organiza-
tions as possible.”
FBFC receives hundreds of requests
for donations every year. It considers
requests for charitable donations from
non-profit organizations that qualify
in three charitable giving categories:
Education and Job Training
• Financial management training
and education programs
• After-school tutoring and men-
toring programs for underserved
youth and young adults
• Scholarship programs to educa-
tional organizations that support stu-
dents who require financial assistance
• Job training and vocational pro-
grams, including literacy and basic-
skills education, for low to moderate-
income adults
Health and Human Care
• Community health and mental
health counseling services
• Homeless and crisis shelters and
• Aid to associations and societies
that advance cures and promote health
Civic and Cultural
• Programs that promote civic
• Aid to organizations that promote
local arts and cultural activities
“As a community bank, we have a
vested interest in ensuring that finan-
cial literacy is a priority throughout
our footprint,” Solveson said. FBFC
employees participate in many finan-
cial education programs with local
students, including Teach Children
to Save Day, Junior Achievement,
and Money Smart Week. “In 2013,
we received special recognition from
Junior Achievement for the number
of FBFC employee volunteers,” she
added. “In addition, we host retire-
ment and investment workshops at
our branches and local community
centers to help residents plan appro-
priately for their financial futures.”
Charitable organizations eligible for
FBFC donations must be exempt from
federal taxes under Section 501(c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
High priority is placed on donations
that benefit low to moderate-income
individuals and communities. Most
contributions are less than $10,000,
however, exceptions can be made for
certain situations.
“At First Bank Financial Centre,
we are One Bank | One Community,”
Solveson said. “We are happy to dem-
onstrate this commitment throughout
the communities we serve.”
Donna Balistreri, compliance coordinator
in FBFC’s Quality Assurance department,
assists a student at a Junior Achievement
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